
Annina Bühler

Sensation | A Guide to Sexual Awareness

A Human-Centered Design Approach to Normalize Female Sexuality


The highly empathic, human-centered research approach revealed that to normalize female sexuality, the woman needs to reclaim her right to pleasure and regain ownership of her inner sexual space. A woman’s sexual perception depends on her individual assessment of external influences and whether expectations are consistent with personal desire. Societal norms, standards, and the objectification of female sexuality lead to insecurities, self-consciousness, and shame, determining the woman’s confidence to explore, experience, and express her needs.



The intervention aims to achieve behavioral change by eliminating shame, hence, tackles the issues concerning the perception and communication of sexuality from within. The Sensation Ritual trains conscious sexual awareness through relaxation, connection, and reflection and provides a customizable toolkit to integrate into everyday health.



A woman can only express her desires if she knows them. The Sensation Ritual strengthens sexual confidence, acknowledges desire, and thus facilitates communication, crucial to normalize female sexuality.



It is created for all women who seek a stronger connection to their sexual self, explore and express desires, and enhance their individual sexual experience.

1 Kommentar

Koller Esther,

so cool gratuliere