
Carlo Bizzozero


The view through keyholes, behind old wallpaper, the erotic, romance, but also painful experiences of love are described in various texts. This work shows the queer perspective on these topics, uncensored, unembellished and very explicit. Not adapted, not romanticized and not uncritically, I tried to describe in texts what for many LGBTQIA+ people is one of diverse realities. Embedded in a universal core, the texts report on shame, internalized fear and escape into ecstasy. Although social situations, especially for gay men and lesbians, have developed significantly for the better, the fear of exclusion, the fee- ling of being different or even the fear of violence is still a sad reality. Not everything is as it seems and behind the façade lies the truth. Different realities, yours, mine and ours, there is a thread that connects everything. This work is not intended to lock up, but to unlock.


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