
Chantal Jaun

Who Saved My Clothes

Rethinking how we reuse clothing in Switzerland

Systemic Context of Reusing Clothing

In the context of the current circular economy in Switzerland, discarded clothing is not managed well enough for reuse practices. In fact, the collection rate of discarded clothing for reuse in Switzerland is only 10%. (CES, 2023) The purpose of this study is to identify the implications of fostering reuse practices of discarded clothing in Switzerland. The research has shown a lack of community involvement in clothing reuse practices, for instance, repairing or remanufacturing used garments. The interdisciplinary research approach emphasizes the importance of involving different actors from the local community in the reuse model to tackle clothing waste collectively.

As a result of the pressing issue, which affects all of us, we have the opportunity to reshape the relationship we have with clothing and artisans, people with handcraft skills, in a more regenerative way.

Changing the System

A service concept was designed with the aim to encourage a higher rate of clothing reuse practices by integrating the local community in Switzerland. Handcraft stands as a crucial skill in circular clothing. The Brocki in-house service named WHO SAVED MY CLOTHES gives credit to the artisans who take action to save clothing by repairing or upcycling discarded garments. The life cycle of clothing items is therefore longer. Ultimately, the aim of the design intervention is to make people care more about our limited resources and how we could collectively preserve them.

Visual Documents (pdf)

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