
Deborah Luder

Sustaining Intangible Cultural Heritage

through Vital Local Associations


Faced with strategic and structural challenges, several regional associations are struggling to find new members, adapt to societal changes, or maintain a vision. These challenges range from more superficial- to deeply rooted ones. As a result, the cultural, practical, and personal value they contribute to their communities is fading. Moreover, the part that associations play in Switzerland’s intangible cultural heritage is often overlooked.



Through an iterative process with a focus on qualitative research, the problem area was visualized and redefined. A concept for a visibility campaign was developed and tested with stakeholders. The concept connects people, visualizes the ongoing value that associations contribute, and highlights the access they provide to cultural heritage.
Giving associations a platform and connecting them to their communities gives them the tailwind to continue, have aspirations for the future, and preserve intangible cultural heritage.



Around 100,000 associations in Switzerland have individual needs. What most associations have in common is that the past year was marked by upheaval and uncertainty. To ease the burden on the associations during and after the pandemic, the concept demands minimal effort from them and reminds them of the value they provide.


For Whom?

All sentient beings are in search of connection. Associations have just that to offer – a space for belonging and expression. The concept connects associations with their communities and municipalities. It is for everyone who wants to shape Switzerland’s intangible cultural heritage together.

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