
Gregory Manttan

Re-think Work

Designing collaborative interventions to create healthier home office experiences.

Re-think Work is a project with the central goal of defining personalised interventions to increase the feeling of wellness, proficiency, and engagement while decreasing stresses for people working in home office.

Home office is a challenging work environment. There are many opportunities for distraction and equally as many opportunities for overworking. Work can unwelcomely invade our personal lives, resulting in excessive stress and lowered well-being and health causing strain on our lives and organisations.

Re-think work is an intervention that includes a sprint and charter and functions by hosting a digital or analogue sprint that uses open questions within activities, finding work and home office issues to determine “identifier” words. These are used to classify the specific areas of experienced problems and assist the participant in selecting tools or methods that can help with more healthy and practical approaches to working in home office. Tools/methods are incorporated into work life through a collaborative identification activity. This process contains a carter that aims to sensitise users to the effects of home office while keeping participants updated on standard practice tools.

Re-think Work has the potential to reduce health costs of organisations and increase the effectiveness of people working in home office. On a personal level, Re-think Work can promote health benefits of working from home by helping workers to achieve goals and nudge toward best practices.

Greg Manttan
Designer and maker
Affecting positive change through design by supporting others to realise sustainable ideas and potential.

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