
Tiziana Brocca

Hijacking the Art Market

An Exhibition Platform for Hobby Artist


A platform where young hobby artists in Lucerne can share their artistic and creative hobbies with the wider public, in order to fight the exclusivity of the art market and provide viewers access to a bigger variety of art.

Currently there are no existing offers, where hobby artists feel comfortable sharing their work with the public. Through offering a well-founded and human centred platform, that empowers and supports them to share their passion publicly, the art market has to open up to a bigger variety of art and artists, that are currently under exposed.

A festival, designed and created by the artists themselves, has been identified as the strongest exhibition method for hobby artist, especially due to the flexibility and openness towards every kind of hobby. It opens up the art market to various forms of artistic expressions that are under-exposed in today’s art world. With this they meet the public’s desire to consume a greater variety of art. The strong belief amateurs or hobbyists’ art is just as valuable aligns perfectly with the aim of the festival to exhibit art that does not pursue excellence, but is practiced for the value of creation, entertainment and the process itself.

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