
Dominique Suter

Increasing the numbers of organ donation among young men in Switzerland

A design management approach

How can a design management approach encourage young male individuals between the age of 20-25, to interact with the topic of organ donation, with the aim to declare their willingness?

Young male students have a positive attitude towards organ donation while only the minority has actually engaged with the topic of organ donation during life-time, resulting in an absent declaration of will. When no declaration of will can be found, families will be approached in case of a possible donation, having to decide in the will of the deceased. Over 65% of families refuse a donation, as they do not know the wish of their loved one, resulting in a lack of organs in Switzerland.

Young male students have a positive attitude towards organ donation while only the minority has actually engaged with the topic of organ donation during life-time, resulting in an absent declaration of will. When no declaration of will can be found, families will be approached in case of a possible donation, having to decide in the will of the deceased. Over 65% of families refuse a donation, as they do not know the wish of their loved one, resulting in a lack of organs in Switzerland.

The design solution approaches the topic of organ donation in an unconventional way. Students are prepared to digest information when entering universities, but do not expect to encounter the topic of organ donation during a bathroom visit. Toilet cabins provide a private environment, where people have time to think about a personal topic. The cabin provides information about organ donation and provides an opportunity to state a decision simultaneously.

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