
Kim Zeiss

The role of In-group Favoritism by Private Landlords

in the Housing Market Frankfurt on the Main


The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to understand the underlying causes for discriminatory behavior in the rental market and to develop design intervention that enable equal opportunities for the different participants of the rental market. The focus is on understanding the process of renting a property up until the point of signing the rental contract.



A human-centered design approach is used to understand the problem from the user’s perspective and develop a design intervention.
The design intervention is a two-stage questionnaire with value-based questions and anonymization of the application process, which should be implemented in the current system of the online platform Immobilienscout24.



For members of ethnic minorities, the place of residence has a significant impact on the opportunities for social participation and thus on their quality of life, e.g. in terms of environmental impact, contact opportunities, educational opportunities and crime risk.

Problem Map


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