
Kristina Stanić

(IN)VISIBLE – The Challenges Faced by Service Dog Handlers with Invisible Disabilities

Designing Inclusivity – A Design Management Approach in Understanding and Addressing the Challenges faced by Service Dog Handlers with Invisible Disabilities in Supermarkets and Grocery Stores

This thesis explores the challenges faced by Service Dog Handlers with Invisible Disabilities (SDHwiDs), particularly in supermarkets and grocery stores, aiming to improve their quality of life and inclusivity. Using a systemic, explorative approach, it incorporates qualitative methods like expert interviews and a participatory co-design session to identify barriers and gather insights from SDHwiDs, service dog trainers, the general public, and a branch manager. Key barriers include access challenges, insufficient staff training and communication, lack of public solidarity and empathy, emotional strain for SDHwiDs, and public awareness and education gaps. The proposed intervention – a hybrid of storefront stickers and a collaborative training programme – seeks to enhance visibility and empathy, influencing behaviour and knowledge in professional and private lives.

1 Kommentar


Really great you chose that topic since this awareness should really be improved among people. I think you did a great job!