
Laura Binggeli

I am blinded by clarity

The Marthe Gosteli Foundation in Worblaufen near Bern houses the largest historical archive of the Swiss women’s movement. Exploring the personalities and their non-conformist biographies recorded in this archive, Laura Giana Binggeli rummaged through numerous private records from the 1920s to the 1990s.

From the material she found, she made a selection of around 50 b/w photographs, following her personal, spontane-ous interest in the greatest possible variety of pictorial motifs. Laura Binggeli separated each of these images from its original composition and historical context. This enabled a pictorial interpretation that emphasises the current rele-vance of the women’s movement.

The result is a two-part publication. While the first volume focuses on the emotional atmosphere of the struggle for equality, the second volume provides valuable background – both texts and references.

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