
Luisa Koster


Fostering neighbourhood participation in urban church reuse

What new life can we breathe into an underused church?
This project addresses the systemic challenge of reusing underutilized or abandoned church buildings in Switzerland due to secularization and declining church membership.The focus is on transforming these historical spaces to serve contemporary community, and also secular needs, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11) for sustainable cities and communities.

The context of the design is urban Switzerland where churches have historically served as religious, community hubs. The project engages local neighborhoods in a participatory process to repurpose these spaces, ensuring they remain relevant and useful.

Actions Taken
Extensive research was conducted, and a structured participatory process was
developed. This process involves community members in the redesign of church spaces, ensuring that outcomes reflect their needs and aspirations.

How It Helps
The project helps by fostering community ownership and enhancing cohesion.
Transforming underused church spaces into vibrant community centers preserves cultural heritage and promotes social well-being.

The Intervention
The intervention, known as the Community KIT, supports various phases of the process of church reuse. The Community KIT includes interactive cards with guiding questions to facilitate open-thinking spaces. These cards cover all phases of the reuse process, ensuring inclusive participation and collaborative design of multifunctional spaces that reflect community needs and aspirations.

Skills Applied
Key areas of focus included stakeholder engagement, participatory design, project
management, and community facilitation. Emphasizing humanity-centered design
principles, the project ensures that solutions are developed with and by the community, aligning with their needs and values.

3 Horizons

1 Kommentar

Ivo Müller,

Spannende Arbeit, welche zukünftig für die nachhaltige Umnutzung sakraler Gebäude Relevanz haben wird.