
Manoj Singh

Smart learning with feedback

AI as an Assessment Tool

The potential of «teaching as a learning method» has yet to be fully utilised in current educational technology. With advancements in AI, combining teaching and AI feedback can create an innovative and effective learning experience. This approach, offered through the Teachatopic mobile app, provides guided learning to help learners harness this potential.

«Smart Learning with Feedback» integrates simulated self-teaching sessions with AI-feedback. Learners can record their teaching sessions on a certain topic, which is then analysed by AI to provide personalised feedback, highlighting areas for improvement both qualitatively and quantitatively. The app tracks progress and generates detailed results, offering a comprehensive overview of the learner’s development for a topic.

Designed for self-motivated individuals eager to learn through a unique and efficient method, this concept allows learners to understand topics from various perspectives, build their confidence, and also enhance their speaking skills.

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