
Natascha Haller

Roots of Understanding

Enhancing the Support for Couples with an Unfulfilled Desire for a Child

The thesis investigated the challenges faced by couples with an unfulfilled desire for a child, focusing on their social challenges and the support they receive from their close social environment. The objective was to understand their situation, identify opportunities for improvement, and develop design criteria and an intervention. The research involved a literature review, semi-structured interviews, cultural probes, a co-design workshop, and testing sessions. The resulting intervention aimed to create a space for sharing and compassion by providing question cards to facilitate meaningful conversations between couples and their support persons, enhancing understanding of the child-wish journey. While the intervention cannot eliminate all challenges, it allows couples to shape their support experience, significantly impacting their overall well-being.

1 Kommentar


Just saw the exhibition you did in person and I think you did a very good job in your work and research. The proposal to approach the challanges seem as they could be of great support to people.