
Fabian Lütolf

Website Fabian Lütolf

Marlen Schmid

Website Marlen Schmid

Il nonno che non c’è

Sara’s grandfather has left a void in her family. Who is Kamran Taan? The filmmaker sets off in search of clues and travels to La Spezia – the coastal city where he is said to have lived. What does kinship mean when you’ve never met? Unexpected events and revelations gradually form a narrative. A road movie about family and identity.


Director: Sara Furrer & Fabian Lütolf
DOP: Marlen Schmid Sound: Fabian Lütolf
Editing: Christian Büttiker
Sound Design: Kathleen Moser
Graphic Design: Annina Linggi
Production: Studienrichtung Video, Hochschule Luzern – Design Film Kunst, Edith Flückiger
Supported by: Berner Filmförderung, SRF

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