
Till Bierich

The Ghoul Pilot

Condemned to live in the shadows, the Space Ghouls live on a dark planet, abandoned by the sun. But as the ancient machines have prophesied, the suns light has not yet perished and one day will be found again. They send out their pilots to search for their lost star. Ererbossa was the first Ghoul that would find the light. She would pay a high tribute for her discovery, her eyes which until now had only seen the twilight of her gloomy planet, were blinded by the bright light of the sun. This Portfolio Character was created during my Mentorship with Marcin Klicki (Principal Character Artist at CD Project Red) for my bachelor in Animation at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences & Arts (HSLU DF&K). I learned so much about character creation and the tools and techniques needed for it. A big thank you to my mentor for all the feedback and advice and to my school for making this possible.


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