
Cayleen Boulter

Today’s role of media

A design management approach on how lifestyle magazines can keep up with the modern user

Lifestyle magazines are challenged through technological and social disruption. With the shift in the industry’s economy, as advertisement revenue and print circulation decrease, magazines find it increasingly difficult to stay profitable, leading the magazines to act as brands, in order to find new revenue streams. For longterm success, increased direct reader income is wanted, for which the young users must be connected with. This is found to be progressively difficult.

Research was focused on a Swiss lifestyle magazine (Annabelle), representing the challenge to connect to the young audience and striving for an increase in reader revenue. The magazines current strategy and its young female users and non-users specific needs, were examined.

The solution is a strategy expressing how lifestyle magazines could find stability throughout disruptive changes, by focusing on their core character and young audiences deep needs, before chasing after brand extensions. It shows how in the case of Annabelle, a close-knitted network of two generations can support satisfying the needs, leading to a new loyal relationship to the young female.

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