
Erika Woo Young Ahn


In my art, noise is more than just sound; it symbolizes randomness, imperfection, and the confusion inherent in life. To me, noise signifies a break from the rigid constraints of reality and societal norms. It is like a warm embrace, welcoming the rawness of human emotions and offering a stark contrast to the often harsh judgments of society. The noise in my work is also a critique of the image-overloaded modern world, questioning their authenticity and what they represent about reality. For me, noise is a means to explore themes of dissociation from reality, delusion, and the mental strains caused by a society that often feels both harsh and pretentious. Yet, this dissociation also represents a form of healing, offering a respite from societal pressures.  It represents my own mental illness by society, and a journey of healing as well.

In my work, I specialize in creating experimental, generative videos using tools like TouchDesigner, complemented by my original music compositions produced with Ableton and Logic. I often incorporate sounds from various environments, adding an auditory layer that enriches the experience and deepens the exploration of reality.

At the heart of my creative exploration is an inquiry into the nature of reality. Through the use of visuals and sound, my artworks aim to blur the lines between the ‘real’ world and the realm of ‘imagination’, inviting viewers into a space of constant questioning and discovery

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