
Laura Röösli

Working Together Apart

Applying Human Centered Design to enhance knowledge sharing in virtual teams and increase performance. ​


A strategy that enables virtual teams to apply methods that enhance knowledge sharing and increase performance. 


With an accelerated development of technology, society responded to this scenario by introducing organizations that function across geographical and cultural boundaries, aiming at achieving a common goal. In other words, virtual teams. However, since these teams use mainly virtual tools to communicate and work, some challenges arise. One of them is the efficient exchange of knowledge. Because there is little to no face-to-face interactions, knowledge sharing can be challenging to manage. At the same time, with the rapid growth of geographically dispersed teams, the process of knowledge sharing is defined as crucial for a good virtual team’s performance. However, according to Chao-Min Chiu, Meng-Hsiang Hsu and Eric Wang (2006), “The biggest challenge in fostering a virtual community is the supply of knowledge, namely the willingness to share knowledge with other members.”  There are also other aspects that influence an effective exchange of knowledge in virtual teams.


The digital guide contains methods and tips on different areas that assists both, the virtual team leader and team members to become an effective knowledge sharing-based organization. 

Download the PDF to see the complete «Working Together Apart» Guide!

Guide (PDF)

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