
Tobias Scheidegger

// By Every Layer (of Paper)

Mit Hilfe von Design in der Bildung für Nachhaltigkeit sensibilisieren


Per capita and per annum Switzerland generates 150 kg of waste paper, much of it simply through thoughtlessness. How can awareness already be raised for this valuable and multifaceted material in compulsory schooling so that future generations can learn to think in other categories and develop a responsible approach towards the material? In // By Every Layer (of Paper), Tobias Scheidegger demonstrates a potential solution by making paper experienceable as a material in lessons. Accompanied by guides for experiments and objects, the concept of a workshop and material kits aims to open up new experiences and perspectives and activate personal actions.


150 kg of waste paper is produced per capita in Switzerland every year, much of it due to carelessness. How can sensitization to the valuable and multi-layered material of paper be made during the compulsory school years so that future generations learn to think differently and develop responsible use of the material? With // By Every Layer (of Paper) Tobias Scheidegger shows a possible solution by making paper a material in class. The concept of a workshop and material kit should open up new experiences and perspectives with the help of instructions on experiments and objects and activate them for your own actions.

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