
Matthias Goldenberger

Working from home due to COVID-19 restrictions

A Design Management intervention


Wie gehen Menschen, die aufgrund der COVID-19 Restriktionen seit Monaten im Homeoffice arbeiten, mit der Abgrenzung und Integration ihrer Lebensbereiche um? Matthias entschied diese Frage mit seinem BA Thesis Projekt in Design Management anzugehen. Dies in einem Prozess bestehend aus der Erkundung des Problemraumes und der Gestaltung einer Intervention.

Im Verlauf entdeckte Matthias, dass eine andere Frage für die drei Teams, mit denen er forschte, zentral zu sein scheint: Wie können die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen im Team positiv beeinflusst werden?

Nebst den Situationen der Einzelpersonen wurden die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen im Team einbezogen. Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten, Teamentwicklung und kollektive Lernprozesse gerieten in den Fokus.

Design Kriterien wurden formuliert und daraufhin ein Lernprozess für Teams (TLP) entwickelt; ein Tool zur Selbstreflektion wurde getestet. Der TLP unterstützt hybride Teams, Herausforderungen der Post-COVID-19 Zeit gemeinsam anzugehen.


How do people newly working from home due to COVID-19 restrictions manage the boundaries of their work and nonwork life domains? Matthias decided to tackle this question with his Thesis Project. The process consisted of three stages: exploring a space of interconnected problems to gather intelligence, defining design criteria, and designing a course of action to intervene in the system.

During the research, Matthias discovered that another question seemed to be central to the three teams that were involved in his research: how can interpersonal relationships in the team be positively influenced?

In addition to the individual situations of people, the interpersonal relationships amongst team members were included. As a result, the focus shifted from individual home office situations to differences and similarities amongst team members, team development, and collective learning processes. Design criteria informed the design of a Team Learning Process (TLP).

The TLP aims to support hybrid teams by sparking deeper levels of learning: Team members increase their awareness and contribute to the evolving team venture with their activities more holistically. The eight-week TLP consists of the interconnected learning journeys of each team member. The collective learning in five bi-weekly facilitated team sessions is equally important as the four phases in-between sessions when people observe their activities in both nonwork and work contexts.

Matthias identified the onboarding of team members as one crucial process step. He developed a self-reflection tool to guide people in reflecting on activities and on how those activities influence the personal energy level. People use it after the initial session.

After the second session, a more specific focus is added to the reflection process to make sense of the context in which activities are performed: people learn to observe with a specific mindset, they learn to look at life through a boundary management lens.

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1 Kommentar

Felix Caduff,

Gratulation. Aktuelles Thema in einer begründeten Reflexionsart bearbeitet und dann in eine visuell ansprechende Form gebracht.