
Ivana Gubser

Women and Corporate Leadership

A human-centred approach to understanding gender inequality in Swiss corporations and reducing structural barriers to move towards diverse workplaces


The goal of this intervention is to help to increase the female representation in the upper ranks of big Swiss corporations in order to meet the new female representation target set by the government in 10 years’ time and move towards gender parity in the workplace. This can be done by looking at the procedures for promotion and performance evaluation and changing those systems.


Listen to the audio of some interview partner talking about the issue identified and why we need new processes…


As an intervention, a «Blueprint for Action» has been created. This Blueprint includes a new performance evaluation and promotion process, consisting of 9 well-thought-out steps that aim to provide employees with a well-structured, communicative and transparent process that fosters a feedback culture and starts decreasing the enormous introduction of unconscious gender biases. Those steps are built on 6 main pillars that have been identified in this research as the main factors for changing performance evaluation and promotion processes for the better: communication, transparency, objectivity, multiple perspectives, awareness and anonymity. The guide stresses the importance of those themes and the importance of preparation before implementing the process. The Blueprint for Action describes the necessity of true commitment from the top, the inquiry of diversity data regarding promotions and evaluation results and the implementation of a change management strategy to avoid employee’s resistance towards the new process. It further stresses the importance of evaluation after the process has been implemented. Have a look at the second video to experience the new process.



2 Kommentare


Congrats on your thesis, very impressive!!

Carine Buhmann,

Congratulations on your topic selection and excellent visualizations!