26. Juni 2024


Start-up Angebote

Scaling Readiness Benchmark for Startups

Scaling Readiness Benchmark for Startups

A group of startup veterans from high-growth companies such as Dropbox, Beekeeper, Frontify, Blinkist, and Tinder recently created an online tool for startup benchmarking and getting some real-time feedback.

First data insights: Within 2 weeks, over 100 startups have already participated in the Startup Benchmark, comparing themselves against their peers. Each week, peakora will present you with new data insights that they have gathered from the Startup Benchmark. 

Participate to access more data!

How does your startup compare?

It only takes a few minutes to fill out, and it shows you…

  • in which areas your startup is lagging behind and can improve the most
  • actionable insights in real-time for how to overcome the challenges
  • access to all data and benchmark yourself with the other startups

Other startups profited a lot from it and thought it would be great if you also gave it a try.


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