
Linus Mäder

Map Your Future Food Consumption

A human-centred approach towards more ecological eating habits

“You are what you eat” has probably never been so relevant in our society as today and people seek a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle. However, in the way we acquire our food, a large part of society consumes products that have a high greenhouse gas contribution and therefore a negative ecological impact.

The MYFFC-Canvas is a step-by-step guide that helps you to develop a strategy for more conscious and environmentally friendly food consumption.

For Whom?
If you love food and care about what you eat,
If sustainable living is important to you,
if you want to reduce your ecological footprint,
if you want to support local farmers,
but you don’t know how to develop more ecological eating habits, then this is the right tool for you.

Scholars estimate that the food industry is responsible for 26% of total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). For the sake of the environment, we need to change the way we eat!

This tool helps you to analyse your food consumption behaviour and provides you with a set of suggestions, methods and strategies for improving it. Follow the instructions from step 1 to 7 and become a true food hero within 10 weeks.

Download the MYFFC-Canvas


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