15. April 2015


IFZ in den Medien

Prof. Dr. Andreas Dietrich: New master’s programme: MSc in Banking and Finance taught entirely in English

from Prof. Dr. Andreas Dietrich, Lecturer and Project Manager at the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ

From autumn 2015 the Lucerne School of Business is offering a Master of Science in Banking and Finance taught entirely in English. The contents of the programme also have an international orientation: the focus will primarily be on financial institutions with a worldwide reach and their areas of business. «The degree programme is an excellent preparation for an international career,» says Head of Studies Andreas Dietrich. The new degree programme finds the Lucerne School of Business responding to a need amongst students and in the wider economy: due to the increasing globalisation of the financial sector, the hunt is on for professionals with a global perspective. The MSc in Banking and Finance is being offered in association with the School of Management and Law at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW.

More information: : https://www.hslu.ch/en/lucerne-school-of-business/degree-programmes/master/banking-and-finance/


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